香港 - 置地文华东方酒店
Shop M.O. 和礼品卡
Capture the flavours of the Fall and savour the contemporary French favourites crafted with the finest fall produce with us.
Amber is offering time-limited perks and an inclusive wine pairing experience from Monday to Sunday, elevating the luxurious gastronomic experience to new heights.
传统法式维也纳甜面包由我们的糕点团队精心烘焙,并因 SOMM 特色早午餐的知名面包篮而广受欢迎。
LMO Freshly Baked 特别版再次回归,呈献由主厨 Richard Ekkebus 和新任面点主厨 Carles Codina 主理的巴斯克焦香芝士蛋糕系列。
继 Amber 与少爷啤酒厂首次合作推出 Amber's Dark Toast Wild Ale 酸啤之后,双方又与本地农民合作社 Farmhouse Productions 合作,采用来自新界的大量荔枝酿造特色酸啤,展现难得一见的香港风味。